Thu, 26 November 2015
You guys are the best, so you deserve to know what's new and what's about to happen in the life of WDF as well as Zack's life too! Within this long-winded, but also very frank and surprisingly personal episode, you'll discover Zack's plans for the future in academia, exciting news about his Masters and the direction this podcast should go in. Whether you stick it out to the end or only listen to bits of it, I feel indebted to you listeners, and I feel like I owe you updates like these. Feedback is welcome - please be nice, I am sensitive at the moment... Thanksssss!
Direct download: State_of_the_Podcast_Address_26_11_2015.mp3
Category:History -- posted at: 11:19pm UTC
Sun, 22 November 2015
In this episode of BGTW (Britain Goes To War) we examine the reform bill of 1867. Though that may sound dull as dishwater, it was in fact a critical event in the history of Britain, not least because it pitted Gladstone and Disraeli against one another yet again, and bore witness to behind the scenes intrigue, political defections, shocking comebacks and finishers that came from out of nowhere! I may be joking about that last part, but regardless, take a listen to this episode and see what you think! Thankssssssssss as always :)
Mon, 16 November 2015
In this episode of BGTW (Britain Goes to War) we examine the period of 1858-1865. Within are political struggles at home, as governments fall are remade once more, and the Liberal Party is finally formed as an official unit. Abroad things become yet more complex; while some in Britain worried about Napoleon III would do, America decended into war and Bismarck began his first in a trifecta of wars designed at unifying Germany, to the utter bewilderment of Lord Palmerston's Cabinet, not to mention his Chancellor of the Exchequer William Gladstone. Check it out, lemme know what you thought! Thanksssss!
Mon, 9 November 2015
In this episode of BGTW (Britain Goes To War) we look at the founding principles of British politics in the 1840's. Specifically, we look at Sir Robert Peel and how his stance on Corn Laws and free trade dramatically affected the future of the Conservative Party. We also look at two very important, but very different, individuals who became political towers in their own field: Benjamin Disraeli and William Gladstone. This episode isn't what you're used to, but it's the first of many episodes that establish a really important grounding in Britain and its political world before 1897. It may not be what you're looking for in WDF, but I promise it will be neither dry nor dull. Give it a try! Thankssssss!
Mon, 2 November 2015
In this episode of Britain Goes To War (BGTW) we take a brief look at the history of two very different resources; coal and opium, both of which had very distinct impacts on Britain in the early 19th century, with consequences that reverberated throughout the remainder of that era. Thanksssss!
Mon, 19 October 2015
Britain did not overnight become an Empire. It wasn't built in a day, and the lessons it applied to its towering apparatus were not learned in one either. Listen here to discover the origins of the Empire that covered so much of the world by 1897. The importance of Ireland, the uniting of crowns, the establishment of dominions and the loss of America - all were critical lessons learned by London in an age of expansion and consolidation, when its Star was only on the rise, but still showed signs of one day shining brightly in the sky.
Mon, 12 October 2015
How the British Empire's achievements filtered down to the more niche aspects of the British World is the main theme of this episode. The trade networks, the control of naval systems, the cross pollination of peoples, crops and livestock, and the need to flee for a better life abroad. All were concerns that Queen Victoria's subjects experienced, and we examine them here.
Mon, 5 October 2015
Our first chapter within our first part within our first episode of #2 of BGTW (Britain Goes To War) takes us to the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria and introduces the British Empire in all of its glory. Britons had established something incredible in the space of two generations, and they had showed no signs of slowing down by the century's end. Having created this Empire for themselves, and with the world at their feet, what would London look to next? Were storm clouds on the horizon, and who was tasked with clearing them away?
Sat, 3 October 2015
Still here? In that case have a looksee at what the plan is for the project: what is the schedule, what's the craic with that music, where I got the inspiration from to actually do it etc. After listening to this you should have all of your questions answered and hopefully you'll also feel psyched for it all to begin. This is the last intro episode, so after this we begin the meat of the project. Thanksss!
Fri, 2 October 2015
You've heard the cute prologue, but why should you stick around for the rest? Here I justify why doing BGTW is worthwhile, and why listening to the whole thing will be well worth your time. The most important questions and my aims are revealed, so you can judge for yourself whether or not you think you'll follow us in the future.
Thu, 1 October 2015
You are a citizen of the British Empire, the date is 22nd June 1897, and you couldn't be more excited to take part in the diamond jubilee celebrations of Queen Victoria. However, strange events are afoot. A gallery of unusual paintings and a curator of uncertain ambitions await you...
Mon, 28 September 2015
Herein we conclude our analysis of the era by summarising our major findings and determining the level of importance that code of honour could justifiably be said to have had in 1914. I hope you enjoyed the miniseries! Please remember to BEFIT and stay tuned for more WDF goodness in the very near future! Thankssssss
Mon, 28 September 2015
Our case study shines a light on Belgium and the surprising issues that faced those that argued for both war and peace. Interestingly, honour featured heavily in the arguments of both, and thus our analysis takes us yet deeper into the psyche of the statesman at the time.
Mon, 21 September 2015
In this episode our focus takes us to the other side of the fence: those that favoured neutrality and wanted to avoid war at all costs for their varied reasons. We examine here how important the code of honour was to their stance and how it manfiested itself in their arguments and media.
Mon, 14 September 2015
Our study deepens as we examine the first major grouping: those that favoured war - the interventionists. We examine in this episode how honour imacted their arguments and reasoning, and whether it was actually as important a factor as some of the other, more well-known issues.
Mon, 7 September 2015
Herein we define what the code of honour meant to British statesmen in summer 1914, where it came from as a concept and how it became as important and ingrained on the sense of self and national identity.
Mon, 7 September 2015
Here we are with the first of my dissertation episodes, which forms one out of a six part miniseries. I hope you enjoy it! Here we intro the entire concept, and I provide you with some background on the ideas I am about to present before we launch into the actual 'Introduction' of the dissertation proper.
Fri, 29 May 2015
Sean joins me on the pod for a very special episode that looks at everything of note I've done recently. Wanna know what happened in London? Gallipoli? Or how the dissertation is going? Wanna know what the story is with that guy in the corner with the big orange head? Then by all means, history friend, listen in to our episode here. 3 Years in the making and 1 million downloads strong. I couldn't be happier and prouder of you all! Thankssssss!
Mon, 27 April 2015
In this final episode of the Swedish Deluges (and of the first phase of Season 3!) we look at the campaign that faced Denmark and nearly erased it from the continent, but Europe was not about to let Charles Gustav have his cake and eat it... Have a listen and see what happens when you push public opinion too far and commit one deluge too many. Thanksss!
Mon, 20 April 2015
Sweden prepares for its strike against the suicidal Danes, but before abandoning Poland it leaves just enough mess behind in Central Europe to keep its enemies busy for most of 1657... Thankssss!
Mon, 13 April 2015
The dramatic and incredible invasion of Poland by the Swedes that bore witness to its almost complete disintegration is examined here in full, covering the period of summer 1655 to early 1657. It is the longest episode released thus far, but when you listen to it you'll see why. The campaigns of the Swedes and their devastating impact were one issue, but how the rest of Europe reacted, from the Holy Roman Emperor to the Dutch Republic, was another issue entirely. Hope you enjoy this extended episode! Thankssss!
Mon, 6 April 2015
This episode explains how Poland-Lithuania got to such a dreadful position by 1655. Its selfish nobles, ridiculous laws and troublesome Cossacks tore the heart out of the state, so that by the time Russia and Sweden looked upon it in 1655 it resembled only a shell of its former self. Check it out!
Mon, 30 March 2015
Welcome to the next war! This time we look at the background behind the two empires that would perpatuate the beginning of what history terms the Second Northern War, or the Swedish Deluge (even though Sweden 'deluges' on another power within our wider narrative too!). Find out how Sweden did after 1648, how Cristina was getting on and what her kingdom's issues were. Find out also why Sweden's eternal enemy Poland was finding things so tough herself. Thanksssss!
Mon, 23 March 2015
The concluding episode on the A-D War looks at the desperation on the Dutch side, as well as the fears harboured by Cromwell thanks to the Stuart and Orange families lurking in the background. His fears would compel him to strive for peace once his takeover was secure over the Commonwealth, but it would not be an easy road to the end of conflict for either side. Check it out, as we cover the final part of the Anglo-Dutch War! Thanksssssssss
Mon, 16 March 2015
In our third part of the Anglo-Dutch War we examine the final issues that sparked off the war, and the opening salvos that suggested bad tidings for the Dutch, though at this early stage they had yet to grasp how bad things were yet to be. Check us out!
Mon, 9 March 2015
In part II we examine in more detail the competition that existed between the English and Dutch across the world, as well as the incredible feats of economic engineering achieved by the Dutch that enabled them to reach their peak of trade and money after 1648. Thankssss for keeping up with the war!
Mon, 2 March 2015
We begin our post-Westphalia era with the First Anglo-Dutch War; within this episode, the first of four parts, we look at the background info that would eventually lead the two Republics to bang heads. Thankssssss!
Sun, 1 March 2015
Who was doing what in a brief intro to the powers of the period, complete with catchy music and my gorgeous voice. Consider this your prologue to the coming stories that will constitute season 3!
Sun, 1 March 2015
We are BACK! After months of silence, WDF returns to the post-Westphalian Era. Here's everything you need to know about Zack, WDF and what is in store for you guys in Season 3!
Sat, 16 August 2014
We TALK at last! Sean and I sit down for a fun conversation about the July Crisis, how it went for me and if it really was that hard after all (it was!). Sean presents an interesting competition, and we officially wrap up the era in our usual style. We hope you like it!
Fri, 8 August 2014
Here we rap up our analysis of events, and deliver a stunning verdict on what went on in the process
Tue, 5 August 2014
The results of the mess of the July Crisis was worse than anyone could have imagined, as the war acquired its own aura and the events that preceded it were left behind and forgotten.
Mon, 4 August 2014
How would Britain finally react to the news of what Germany had done? The same way everyone else had reacted to everything in the past week of course!
Sun, 3 August 2014
Sir Edward Grey was delivering his speech to a packed meeting in the House of Commons, in which he hoped to bring British opinion around to intervention. Meanwhile, Germany was declaring war on France, and preparing to move against Belgium.
Sat, 2 August 2014
How did Grey persuade Britain towards intervention? Or had he really done the job by the end of the day? The time was coming near for Britain to decide its stance.
Fri, 1 August 2014
How did we get here and why don't we stop should have been the questions European statesmen asked themselves on 1st August 1914. Instead to them the peace was already lost, and all that remained was to jump into the abyss.
Thu, 31 July 2014
How could the powers of Europe push through the recent diplomatic calamities? You'll be sorely dissappointed if you think they were at all capable of doing so...
Wed, 30 July 2014
On 30th July Germany was reacting to the news that Russia had effectively been pulling the wool over its eyes for the past 5 days. As the last efforts to acquire peace came to nothing, Sazonov was attempting round 2 of mobilisation in St Petersburg...
Tue, 29 July 2014
The aftermath of Austria's war declaration was felt across Europe, when the real intentions of all seemed to appear more and more clear. By the end of the day, it was clear to all where Europe was going.
Mon, 28 July 2014
On 28th July, contrary to both their previously declared policy and common sense, A-H declared war on Serbia. Europe scrambled to understand what had just happened.
Sun, 27 July 2014
How were the powers in Europe on so many different levels? The dissemination of information, barely considered in most histories of the event, was in fact a key point for all involved.
Sat, 26 July 2014
On 26th July 1914 Sazonov met with numerous officials from foreign states. He said one thing to them while his country was doing another...
Fri, 25 July 2014
How would Serbia react to the deadline now that they had Russian support? Could Britain do anything to dissuade the powers away from their respective courses? On a day that three states mobilised, was there any stopping anyone anymore?
Thu, 24 July 2014
24th July greeted the Russian foreign minister as instantly busy. He had much to do...
Wed, 23 July 2014
The process that landed Austria-Hungary in the position of delivering an ultimatum to Serbia has been covered in previous episodes, the details of the ultimatum and its delivery is covered here.
Tue, 22 July 2014
Over the course of 20-23rd July 1914, the French President and the Russian Tsar met in a summit that had been many months in the making, but which happened to coincide with the plans of Habsburg statesmen back in Vienna...
Sat, 19 July 2014
By the time of 19th July, the word of the ultimatum had already reached the majority of European capitals; yet, in Vienna, Habsburg ministers carried on blindly...
Fri, 18 July 2014
On 15th July the French president and Prime Minister set off from Paris to join the Russian Tsar for a summit in St Petersburg on 20th July, herein we recount the journey.
Wed, 16 July 2014
The story of how Russia came to be opposed against Germany and Austria is one you have heard many times. This time, we take a different tone, and suggest that Russia's old enemy may not have been as forgotten as some histories would have you believe...
Mon, 14 July 2014
Armed with his pro-action arguments, the Austro-Hungarian foreign minister believed he had finally acquired the tools he could use to persuade the most ardent opposer of his plans: the Hungarian minister president...
Sun, 13 July 2014
Picking up the pieces after the death of the Russian ambassador, the Habsburg foreign minister acquires evidence which he believes, will finally persuade the Hungarian minister president towards war.
Thu, 10 July 2014
On 10th July, as Berchtold and Conrad attempted to overcome their own respective obstacles, an event occurred in Serbia which dramatically changed the atmosphere...
Mon, 7 July 2014
On 7th July Austro-Hungarian statesmen met to discuss the previous events and formulate policy. The result was a fundamental transformation of how the Habsburgs planned on representing themselves in the coming days.
Sat, 5 July 2014
On 5th-6th July the infamous 'blank cheque' was created in Berlin. Here we trace its origins and expel the myths that surround it.
Thu, 3 July 2014
WW1 is a story incomplete without Austria-Hungary. Herein lies the tale of Habsburg decline, and should help explain the mind-set of its statesmen during the July Crisis.
Mon, 30 June 2014
The background story as to why Austria so suspected Serbian involvement in the assassination cannot be understood unless one looks at the background of that Balkan state, which is what we seek to do here.
Sun, 29 June 2014
How did the powers of Europe react to the news that Austria-Hungary's heir had been assassinated? The answer may surprise you...
Sat, 28 June 2014
'The shot heard around the world' sparked the July Crisis; herein we examine it as a prologue to our wider project on the crisis itself.
Fri, 27 June 2014
100 years ago our ancestors launched the First World War. Now it is time to examine their moves, mistakes, decisions and hopes in a day by day account of the month that preceded the war; the so-called July Crisis. Herein, I explain what my plan is for it, why I'm doing it and why you should be excited. A brand new project starts here, and in case you didn't know, I'm SUPER excited! Thanksssss!
Sun, 22 June 2014
Finally, it's been a long time in the making, but we can at last bring you the final part of the WDF special on the TYW. Herein lies the tales that wrap up the most destructive, but also the most important, conflict in the 17th century. Here my thoughts and conclusions on the whole thing, as well as whole raft of thanksssss!
Mon, 16 June 2014
We're back with our penultimate episode on the TYW! Within you'll find the final stages of the negotiations, especially those happening in 1646, as all involved try to leverage their way into a better position. Check it out!
Fri, 6 June 2014
We continue our narrative here, as everyone decides what it will take to make them make love not war. The Ottomans make a cameo too! What's not to love? Thanks!
Fri, 6 June 2014
So much happens in the years 1645-48 that I elected to split it into 4 more manageable episodes rather than 2 large ones. We jump into the first part here; we establish the major ideas that were going around at the time, and we introduce you to what everyone wanted and what tried to make everyone think they wanted. Thanks!
Sat, 31 May 2014
Nobody told them that Westphalia was due to be signed in a few short years, so there's still plenty going on! Spain continues to shrivel up, while France desperately goes it alone thanks to Swedish preocupation with... well I won't spoil the surprise, you should just know that France and Sweden came a little bit prepared thanks to their requests to ____ to join in the war. Well you can't expect me to give it all away can you? Just listen! And thanksssssSSSSSSSSS
Sat, 31 May 2014
Welcome back! Here we look at the years 1638-42; what everyone was doing and why. Of particular mention is the Spanish ruin in the face of its angry so-called friends, as well as the numerous meetings that would soon form the backbone of Westphalia. Eventually. THANKSSSSSSS!
Fri, 11 April 2014
Back so soon? Today we look at the results of Nordlingen, how France justified war and how Sweden and the Dutch tried to hold on despite the new Imperial onslaught. Thanksss!
Fri, 11 April 2014
Hello folks! Today we look at the situation in Europe following the death of Gustavus; Axe Ox's plans for Germany and the increasing comebacks of the Habsburgs. Thankssss
Wed, 19 February 2014
Today we look at Gustavus' legend, imperial goings on and many other issues, as well as the diplomacy you all know and love. Take a bite of me and enojoy!
Wed, 19 February 2014
History friends! Great to be back with our second double batch 3 weeks later. Today we examine the diplomacy like never before; everyone gets a look in, so sit back and relax as everyone talks very nicely for selfish reasons. Thanksss
Wed, 29 January 2014
Part Two of 25.5 looks at Ferdinand's 'fruits of victory' within the HRE: the Edict of Restitution and the problems it was soon to pose. We then examine the changing diplomatic and strategic situation for the Habsburgs, and outline how the Dutch managed to reverse their fortunes. Thankssss.
Wed, 29 January 2014
We're back in two parts! An even more ridiculously long title than before means that you're in for a good one as well! So sit back and relax as we look today at the machinations of Fredrick, who was still very much active from the Hague, while the Danes FINALLY make a move, and generalissimo Wallenstein emerges from Ferdinand's sleevey ace thing! Check it out! Thanksssss
Mon, 13 January 2014
Surprise! Sean joins me for a TALK episode as we run through Europe's pressing issues up to around 1625. Take it for a spin if you want to fill in the gaps and revise in time for the heavy hitters coming your way soon! Thankssss
Wed, 8 January 2014
Wow it's great to be back! Here we bring you up to speed on the years that would make the 30 years war; the building blocks of the conflict if you will! We see a Winter King, a broken Truce and a worsening geopolitical situation that Ferdinand in particular is getting ready to chow down on. Thanks (ssssssssssss).
Tue, 15 October 2013
And we're back with part 4 of the 30 years war special! This time we look at the apparent cause of the war, at least in the beginning. We look at Bohemia, a lovely place, generally, and then analyse Freddy's decision to accept the crown of Bohemia, as well as Ferdinand's general mean-ness. Take a look!
Mon, 23 September 2013
Welcome to the long awaited third installment of the TYW special! Today we look at Scandinavia and the history of that region; what it meant for the rest of Europe and how Europe saw it. We also look at the truce between the Dutch and Spanish, the regency of Marie de Medici and Spain's Italian preoccupations. Check us out!
Sun, 1 September 2013
An insanely long title means it's time to (historically) party! So join me for the second part of our special as I delve into the crazy world of the HRE, the Poles, the Ottomans and more! Thanksssss!
Tue, 20 August 2013
With a longer title than the war itself, we are finally here with the first of nine parts on the 30 Years War!!! I am very excited, so join me as we look at the rebuilding of France, the failures of Liz' fightback policies, the war within Ireland and much more! Thanksssss!
Thu, 1 August 2013
Hello history friends, here we are at last to cover the next aspect of our 16th century narrative: the Spanish Armada. Think you know the story? Have a listen, you may surprise yourself. Today we are packed with the kind of diplomacy you love so what are you waiting for? Make like a 16th century monarch and take what you want! Also, keep your ears peeled for a special guest, never before seen on WDF before! Thanksssss
Tue, 16 July 2013
Here we are in Greece! This time we look at the worsening diplomatic and social situation that led to the Greek war for indepedence and the general international concerns over what Russia was doing in the world. Take a look and let me know what you thought!
Sat, 29 June 2013
SUCCESS! Welcome to the suplementary TALK episode on the Dutch Revolt that myself and my often present host Sean did on a rare sunny day. We hope you enjoy the ins and outs of the detail we go into, let us know what you thought as always! Thanksssss
Tue, 18 June 2013
Hello history friends, and welcome to the wonderful story of the Dutch. At times it can get a tad confusing, but in terms of significant events in Medieval Europe there's few that come close to the importance of this little grouping of provinces. Settle down and relax, as I take you through a land and story that has beena long time coming on this podcast for a long time. Thanksssss!
Sun, 26 May 2013
Welcome to WDF! Our new season starts here, with another war you're likely unaware of, but that is more than likely to tickle your diplomatic fancies. Herein lies the tale of Pope Julius II, ridiculous friend swapping and some other ground in between. Let me know what you think, and welcome back! Thankssss!
Fri, 5 April 2013
Welcome back history friends, as I introduce you to a new season in WDF. Got some important info for you here, and some pretty exciting news too. Have a listen to find out what's what and why. See you soon!
Sun, 31 March 2013
Welcome history friends, to the FINAL episode on WW1, episode 20.99 (that's right I ran out of numbers) TALK. This time Sean and I run through pretty much everything in World War One, in my desperate attempt to cram 3 months of goodness into one episode, hence the previously unheard of length. However, I do feel it's worth it, and I hope you'll agree. It was the longest TALK episode ever, but dare I say it it was also the best, and the prefect way to conclude this saga of a special that has taken on a life of its own over the past 3 months. So here's to that journey and cheers for sharing your time with me! A lot of work went into this episode folks, so sit back, relax, and soak in the historical banter shared by two best friends. Thanks again for the help mate, and thankssss very much to you also guys. Enjoy!
Wed, 20 March 2013
Welcome back history friends, to the final solo episode on WW1: 1918. We look at the Duo's ever increasing monopoly on all things German, and the diplomacy that brought Russia down, as well as the final German offensive of the war. Hope you enjoy it guys, and thanksssss for being a part of this special!
Thu, 14 March 2013
Welcome friends of history, to 1917 in World War One. This time we cover Passchendaele, America and Russia, as well as the juicy diplomatic bits in between. Hope you enjoy it and perhaps even learn something new too! Also, stick around at the end for some wonderfully nostalgic music. You won't regret it. Thanksssss!
Wed, 13 February 2013
Hello again, and welcome to 1916. We've got a lot to cover today, and we zip all over what was by 1916 a very global war, so come and join us already! Apologies for the cold, I'm practicing my sexy voice. Thankssss!
Wed, 6 February 2013
Welcome to the special, today we examine a ton of angles surrounding WW1 in 1915; expect to see some Gallipoli and some ships and some Germans and some Americans. I will give nothing away! Let me know what you thought, thankssss!
Fri, 1 February 2013
Here we ACTUALLY are, apologies for that glitch, welcome to the wonderful world of post July crisis, where we look at the opening salvos of the war that was meant to be over before the leaves fall and all that. Thanksss!
Sun, 20 January 2013
And here we are! In this episode are the ridiculous people that are responsible for the bloodiest century in human history, so be sure to thank them, as you listen to diplomacy failing miserably. Thanksss.
Tue, 15 January 2013
Here we are with part 3/9! Today we jump all over the world, first to Morocco, then the Balkans, then Morocco and then the Balkans again! So just two places really...but still fascinating in its impact on what would soon become the great war. Thanksssss
Wed, 9 January 2013
And we're back! Speeding back into your ears is the second part of my WW1 special, so I hope you enjoy it. This time we look at German naval plans (way more interesting than it sounds) Germany's plans for America, Britain's dilemma in Europe and the usual messy sidenotes that go with it. Please let me know what you thought!
Fri, 4 January 2013
Welcome all! Thanks for stopping by, for the first of nine episodes on the first world war. Instead of reflecting on the mammoth tusk (get it?) in front of me, I intead march on with international diplomacy across the world, as well as covering Bismarck's final days as the head of Germany. Give it a listen, and as usual comments or feedback are all welcomed! Lets get this war started! Thanksssss!
Mon, 31 December 2012
Welcome to a new chapter in When Diplomacy Fails. We've come a long way you and I, and this here is my chance to make a few announcements and break us into a new year and a new era of WDF. Thanks(sssssssss).
Mon, 24 December 2012
Hello and happy holidays, I somehow managed to squeeze this in just before crimbo and just after my exams- you should all be proud. Today we look at Italy and Ethiopia in 1895 and what the war meant for all involved, as well as some other European stuff that is immensly absorbing. Thanksss and merry christmas!
Tue, 27 November 2012
Pull up a chair and have a listen, as WDF takes you into the minds of the Russians and Turks who fought each other yet again in the 1877 war. It intertwines nicely with our current flow of storytelling (BISMARCK!) so I hope you enjoy it and let me know what you think!
Sun, 18 November 2012
Welcome history friends, have a listen to Sean and I answer the questions put forward by you, as we celebrate the 6 month birthday of WDF! We cover a wide range of topics, some of them critically important, others...well, you'll have to listen to find out. We hope you enjoy it!
Sun, 11 November 2012
Welcome all, this time we dive into the A-P War of 1866 and all the wonderful diplomatic delights that spin off from it. Please join me! Also, look out for the not so subtle 'Deutschland, Deutschland Uber Alles' rendition sometime in the episode. Hey it's a catchy tune, what can I say? Let me know what you thought history friends, thankssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!
Sun, 21 October 2012
Welcome back to WDF! After a short break imposed upon me by college, I am back with a vengeance! We cover today the Indian revolt that took place in 1857. It's quite the story, and I go into a history of the East India Company, as well as cover the background the British psyche. Check it out!
Sun, 30 September 2012
The Boxer Rebellion is not a rebellion, and it has nothing to do with boxing, or people that box. However, it is absolutely fascinating, so take a look! I cover the main gripes of the Chinese at this time, and look at why the Boxers were able to rise as quickly as they did. Lemme know what you thought history friends!
Fri, 28 September 2012
FINALLY! I know it's been a while, but I have just been so busy with them darn Boxers that I haven't had time to do this. Sean and I talk all things War and 1812, as best as we can. We were a bit tired, just a bit. Give it a go and send me some feedback!
Sun, 16 September 2012
This week we look at the 'Forgotten War', that of the less well known but fascinating conflict between America and Britain in 1812. The name of the war isn't exactly inspired, but don't be put off! There's plenty here for everyone, so have a listen now, and let me know what you thought!
Fri, 7 September 2012
Long time no see! This time Sean and I jump straight into to land of the Boers; we dicuss the campaign, the peoples, the struggles and more, so give it a listen and let us know what you thought!
Wed, 5 September 2012
Hello and welcome to the Boer War! Today we look in detail at Germany's opinion of the Boers, who the Boers were, Queen Vicki and plenty of other fun stuff! It's a good one, full of diplomatic twists and turns and the usual imperialistic brilliance. Give it a listen and let me know what you though! Cheers friends.
Sun, 26 August 2012
Take a while to sit back and relax, as Sean joins me for another TALK episode; this time on the Crimean War! We cover the states involved in the war, examine whether it could have become a world war and speculate fantastically about Prussia, give it a go!
Sat, 25 August 2012
Welcome, please have a seat! Today we talk about the Crimean War of 1853-56; it involves a lot of incompetance, gore and other fun stuff, so please give it a listen and let me know what you thought! Expect a TALK episode to follow, thanks!
Wed, 15 August 2012
After a small break, we return with a bang in the form of the 1846-48 war between Mexico and America. It is quite the story! Texas gets looked into, as does Santa Anna, as does Tabasco, so check it out! I also have some pretty exciting news for you all AND a new BEFIT reminder. What more could you possibly want? You are so very welcome my history friends!
Sun, 5 August 2012
FINALLY! As I'm sure you've noticed this one is massive, so jump right in to the world of Boney today! In this episode we look at the years 1798-1815, so that should give you an idea as to why it's so long! I hope you enjoy it, I myself am very much ready for a break! Thanks guys.
Sat, 28 July 2012
Another outrageous title means it's time for another episode! This time Sean joins me on the podcast to talk about his fantastic family history which includes; the Irish Legion, invincable Captains and a hard to pronounce and spell battle! Hope you enjoy it let me know what you thought!
Wed, 25 July 2012
Yes that is along title, but never mind that; you should be excited that we are now into our first of a two part special on the French Revolutionary/Napoleonic Wars. In this episode, we'll cover the years 1787-1797 which includes; diplomatic dancing, Robby's favourite razor, Napoleon's entry onto the scene and a bit of revolutionary war thrown in too. I hope you enjoy it, be sure to let me know!
Wed, 18 July 2012
Never heard of this war? Take a seat my friends; this war is another essential piece of the 18th century war pie that everyone in Europe wanted a slice of. It contains the return of everyone's favourite Polish pretender in Stan, some of Eugene and even a bit of Villars too. Enjoy, and please let me know what you thought!
Direct download: Ep9-War_of_the_Polish_Succession_Audio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:49pm UTC
Fri, 13 July 2012
I know, I know, I said before I wouldn't do this war, but listen here you; it really does make sense so that I can set the scene for what I have planned in the coming weeks. So, this episode contains hopefully some stuff you didn't know about the AR. For example, did you know there was a third European power at war with Britain while it fought America (so not just SPain and France). Or that some of the alternatives to independence involved ideas such as dominion status? You didn't? Well, there you go then! Have a listen, enjoy and let me know what you thought!
Wed, 4 July 2012
Hello and welcome! The GNW is a fascinating war in European history, so don't be put off if you've never heard of it before. Also, I apologise for it being a long one, I promise if you have the patience it's well worth it! Sweden versus everyone...enjoy!
Wed, 27 June 2012
Hello my friends, this week we look at the 1702-14 conflict fought in Europe over the Spanish crown. Expect lots of Louis, Churchill (not that Churchill) and a bit of Eugene of Savoy on the side. Hope you enjoy it, be sure to let me know what you thought!
Direct download: Ep6-War_of_the_Spanish_Succession_Script.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:18pm UTC
Sat, 23 June 2012
I'm joined on the podcast by my ever present guest Sean this week and we talk about a range of topics in the Seven Years War including Peter III, Dutch neutrality and how Prussia overcame the odds. Among other things of course. We hope you enjoy the history related banter!
Tue, 19 June 2012
Hello history friends, welcome to episode 5! Today I'll be covering the Seven Years War which raged from 1756-1763 and pulled in practically all the nations of Europe into a war of massive proportions. It's a long one this week, but it's well worth listening to if you have the patience. I promise, I've been working on my excited voice. Enjoy!
Mon, 11 June 2012
Sorry about the delay this time guys, had some issues I had to sort out this past week. So episode 4, what's in the box? Well, I talk about the state of Spain in the late 19th century, America's worldwide plans and the hilarious story of Guam. Hope you enjoy it, let me know what you thought and remember: BEFIT! Thanks.
Tue, 5 June 2012
Another TALK discussion episode from me to you. In this episode Sean and I talk about Zasulitch's stupidity, why China was so bad and other country's perception of the war at that time...among other things. We both hope you enjoy the witty banter! Remember to let me know what you all thought about it!
Direct download: EP3point5-_TALK_The_Russo-Japanese_War.mp3
Category:History -- posted at: 7:48pm UTC
Fri, 1 June 2012
This week we look at the 1904-05 war between a young Japan and a massive Russia. I talk about some interesting Japanese history, Russia's greatest defeats and I put on a fantastic Russian accent. Trust me. Thanks to all of you for your support, hope you enjoy this one. Be sure to let me know what you thought!
Tue, 29 May 2012
Hey guys, welcome to the wonderful world of Hannibal! In this episode, expect to hear just how often and effectively Hannibal owned the Romans in battle, only to eventually lose the war. I expose my nerdiness; yes I love Rome: Total War, so go and play it if you haven't already! And then I talk about Roman strategy and Varro's...stupidity. Give it a listen and let me know what you think!
Sat, 26 May 2012
Hey guys, this is a supplementary episode for the Franco-Prussian War that I love so much. I'm joined on the podcast by my very good friend Sean and we have a fantastic discussion about European affairs, Bismarck's awesomeness and Prussia's railroads, among other things. This is the very first in my series of TALK podcasts and is my attempt to break the situation down for you and make the topic as a whole a bit more interesting. Speaking of interesting, see if you can count how many times the word 'interesting' is used in this podcast...
Tue, 22 May 2012
Hey guys, welcome to the first official episode of When Diplomacy Fails. Since it's my first, I decided to celebrate by talking about my favourite period in history: The Franco-Prussian War! It's got a fantastic amount of diplomacy inside, you'll get to hear about Bismarck owning Napoleon's nephew and about where it all went wrong for France. What's not to love? Well, my pronounciation for one. Sorry about that, I hope I didn't offend any German-sensitive ears with my ignorance... Please give it a listen and let me know what you think!
Sat, 19 May 2012
Hey guys, this week's episode is the same one from David Crowther's History of England that he let me use for episode 61a (27/5) of the podcast, if you missed the episode where I talked about Bannockburn then you're in luck; here it is! If you have heard it before, then why not listen again? It's free after all, store it in your library and save it for later!
Fri, 18 May 2012
Hello world! Welcome to the very first episode of When Diplomacy Fails, technically it's not the very first but oh well. This week, I'm just introducing myself and explaining my plans for this podcast. Please subscribe for future historical fun. See what I did there?